Opinions, Nonsense, Humor and In my head
Published on July 26, 2004 By DolceFemme In Politics
Finally, passed Thursday July 22nd 2004 I saw THE MOVIE I (we) had to wait for so long in Europe “Fahrenheit 9/11” !

To everyone thinking/telling Michael Moore is biased YOU ARE SO WRONG ! The movie IS based on facts and NOTHING is taken out of context to make the movie “flow” or “juicy”.

I know sometimes it’s hard to be confronted with yourself, but I don’t think that Michael tried to ridicule the President, I think he just wants to give the message “you fucked up..learn and DO something about it before you do more damage then you already done !”.

On top of that he tried to look at the WHOLE situation where both parties, so not only the Republicans, are the blame for the mess the US is in.

I think it is good to have a movie like this, actually there should be more movies like this. It makes you stop and think and maybe even vote for once ! (GO KERRY GO !!)

So to all the people out there, go see it, but if you are be OPEN and then think before judging either Michael Moore, The Dems, The Republicans ..and The President.

CONGRATS MICHAEL..see you at the OSCARS !!

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