Opinions, Nonsense, Humor and In my head
CoCoNuTs and PaLmTrEeS
Published on June 24, 2004 By DolceFemme In Welcome
A new wonder (or at least to me). Instead of writing on pieces of paper, post-its and everything else that holds ink, it's time for something new, something totally different (to moi that is !) and it saves a lot of ink and paper that is owned by the company i work for.

So what can you find here ? Everything that's on my mind basically. What bothers me and what doesnt, what bothers YOU and what doesnt.
I have to check things out first so probably a lot of BS in the beginning and hopefully very interesting in the end.

To everyone and specially to my best friend ALEX (who thought and still thinks i wont follow through)


on Jun 24, 2004
Like always, I hope u proof me so wrong )
on Jun 25, 2004
on Jun 25, 2004
right on sister !
(not too sure about the dust , though )
on Jun 25, 2004
lol@Marten ..sometimes dust can be good..lol